Finally in the third trimester- yay! I seriously can't wait till baby girl is here. Pregnancy suuuuuuucks. When I first found out I was pregnant, I asked my mom how her pregnancies were- she told me that she wasn't ever sick, and that she had relatively short labors (all under 12 hours). So far, I've been sick pretty much the entire duration of my pregnancy. I was constantly nauseous the entire first trimester and the majority of the second, and once that was over I got CRAZY bad heart burn- so bad that I ended up going to the hospital because the pain was too much to handle and I had already maxed out on my heartburn medications. Mr. Barcenas was really awesome about the whole ordeal. I had woken up around midnight because my upper stomach (where my actual stomach is right now) was hurting really bad. I took my last dosage of tums, took the dogs out (to see if walking would help it), laid down, flipped to each of my sides, tried laying on my stomach (propped up on pillows, of course), drank some milk- nothing seemed to help! So I called my doctors office- no one answered. So I then called my mom (she's an RN and had worked in a woman's hospital for a few years). She told me to go in and get everything checked out. This is when I finally woke Mr. Barcenas and told him I needed to go to the hospital. He didn't even question me! He just got out of bed, put some real pants on, and we went. He's pretty great :) Baby Girl ended up being fine. I just had so much acid in my stomach that it was irritating the stomach lining and causing a lot of pain. They gave me an IV and some meds and then sent me home.
I still have bad reflux, but it's gotten better since I've gotten better medications. The biggest sucky part right now is that Baby Girl keeps wedging herself up underneath my ribs, and then KICKING. It's quite uncomfortable! Oh, and cravings! Don't even get me started on those! I've wanted Chinese food for the past week, now, but there's no where to get good stuff here in Rexburg- I'm just waiting till Mr. Barcenas and I have to take a trip to Idaho Falls. THEN I will get me some Chinese food.
In other news- my baby shower is this weekend! I'm super excited :) I can finally start buying things for Baby Girl once it's over- Mr. Barcenas and I have been waiting till we see what people gift us before we start really getting ready. It makes sense, but it's really hard to resist buying baby clothes and blankets and furniture and stuff. I'll post up some baby shower pics from this weekend sometime next week :)