Huh. Seems as if this blog is in desperate need of an update!
Our puppy is doing amazing! We ended up naming him WallE, and he is soooo smart. He is now about ten months old, and is no longer a tiny baby puppy.
Look how small he used to be!!! When we brought him home, he was only about 7lbs and soooo tiny. He is now almost 80!!!
This last one is the most recent picture that I have of him showing his size. He's such a big boy now. Kinda sad, to be honest. Sometimes I miss his cute little puppyness!
Mr. Barcenas and I have been making improvements to our home, and I'll be posting some newer pictures of that as soon as I get it cleaned up again. Our apartment looks amazing! And the Mister loves being able to show off his new things.
Did I ever mention that Mr. Barcenas got a new job? I can't remember! Well, he is one of the chefs at BYU-Idaho, and is a full time employee, which also means benefits! Which is awesome, because we are finally expecting a BABY!
our facebook announcements around 11 weeks |
Look at this handsome pup! He's going to be the best big dog brother EVER |
first baby picture, taken around 7 weeks gestation |
Nucal translucency scan at 11 weeks |
when we found out the gender at 15 weeks (on Mr. Barcenas's Birthday!) |
Juan and I decided it was time for us to start our family around November, 2013 but I knew that I was going to have some problems. So I went in to meet with a fertility specialist, and was finally officially diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. I've had the symptoms since I was 14, but haven't had anyone really believe me or care enough to help me fix it. So my doctor prescribed some meds to help with my weight, acne, and irregular ovulation, and BAM! Pregnant :) only took 7-8 months! It was really hard, waiting to see if the medication would work. Once we had decided it was time for us to have a kid, all of our couple friends decided it was their time, as well. They all conceived and celebrated, while Mr. Barcenas and I just waited. It was upsetting, seeing these other women grow with their growing child and being invited to baby showers that I didn't want to go to. It got to the point where every time I saw a pregnant woman, I instantly hated her because I wanted to be pregnant, too. I'm totally over that, now :) which is good :P
I am currently 24ish weeks, and Baby Girl is due February 23, 2015. She is kicking and moving all the time, it seems like, and is completely and totally healthy (from what we can see). Pregnancy sucks, but I expected that. I don't feel as if I have the right to complain about it, though, because I wanted it so bad :P
Want a bumpdate? Here ya go!
This was taken at 20 weeks. I haven't taken another yet, because my appetite has finally returned and it seems like I'm constantly bloated ;P I'll add some more once I calm down on the eating thing.
Okay, one last update- Mr. Barcenas and I got another puppy.... I blame him! He had been begging and begging for another from MONTHS, and we finally found one that we fell in love with. I know, I know, I'm crazy for getting another puppy when I'm getting a baby in a few short months. It's all good though, Mr. Barcenas and I have GOT this. We can handle it :)
Bloggers, say hello to Eva!
We have no idea what breed she is. We got her off of a couple who had decided that they couldn't take care of a puppy, and they told us they thought she might be a German Shepherd Rottweiler mix, but we are thinking that she may be a black mouth cur. Whatever she is, she is adorable!