"Ohana means family. Family means no body gets left behind, or forgotten."
"This is my family... It is little, and broken, but still good."

Monday, December 28, 2015

Dear Baby Bear- week 11

Dear Baby Bear,

Week eleven! Wow! Just about 27 weeks left! Your father and I moved back to Arkansas this past week, and I'm still getting things unpacked. You've got your own room already, but until you're here it will just be for storage. You're making me hungrier than ever, but I can only seem to eat small meals at a time- so I just want to eat all of the time. Along with being nauseous all of the time, because I'm always hungry. It's a little annoying, being sick because I'm hungry, hungry because I'm sick. But it will hopefully be all worth it in the end.
The dogs are enjoying Arkansas so far, and so are we. Abualita has been making sure that were taken care of, and makes me super yummy Mexican food. Seriously, it's been fantastic. Today we had enchiladas, and she's going to be making tamales sometime soon.
Oh! And you LOVE tangerines. Well, you do right now at least. 

Baby Bear! You're still alive! I got to open one of my Christmas presents early, a fetal heart Doppler, and I found your heartbeat! Yay! I'll make sure to post the video. It's quite, very quiet, but still there. 

Okay, so it's two days later now and I have a better recording of your heartbeat, so I'll post the good one. 

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