Dear Baby Bear,
You're about the size of a blue berry! Your steadily growing, and I've finally begun to actually constantly feel nauseous. I love it :) it means you're cookin along just right in there. We still have two more weeks till we see you- I'm really hoping we see your heart beat. You'll be big enough, unless you've stopped growing and are no longer with us. But I'm going to try to be optimistic.
I've recently started thinking that I may have an elective c-section with you. I worry that if we induce, you'll go into distress and I'll lose you- with the surgery, it's safer for you. So what if I have a longer recovery time? I'll have you, safe in my arms, and that's all that matters.
Of course, I've still got a long while till I need to decide how you'll be delivered into this world. I've also started looking into doctors in Arkansas for when your dad and I make the big move. We're pretty excited. Summer will be difficult, though. I'll be huge and pregnant with you! And Arkansas isn't exactly known for it's mild summers :/
I have a confession to make.... One of my elderly clients asked me today if I was pregnant. I said no.... I don't feel like sharing you with anyone else right now- especially not her. She's not my favorite client and we aren't really that great of friends. I have no reason to tell her, right? I feel bad, because I feel like I'm denying your existence. I think I just did it to protect myself. That, and I don't want to have to deal with all the questions right now. I'm not sure when we will tell the world that you're here and that you might be joining us in a few months. Do you forgive me?
I know we will be telling our grandparents and close aunts/uncles the weekend after your first ultrasound. I'm going to make your father wear the "my wife is pregnant shirt" that I showed you a few weeks ago. Hopefully someone will read it and get the idea. I've thought of wearing a reveal shirt myself, but I haven't decided on a design or anything.
I know we will be telling our grandparents and close aunts/uncles the weekend after your first ultrasound. I'm going to make your father wear the "my wife is pregnant shirt" that I showed you a few weeks ago. Hopefully someone will read it and get the idea. I've thought of wearing a reveal shirt myself, but I haven't decided on a design or anything.
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