"Ohana means family. Family means no body gets left behind, or forgotten."
"This is my family... It is little, and broken, but still good."

Monday, August 1, 2016

Dear Baby Bear- month one

Dear Baby Bear,

You are one month old- that is so crazy! It feels like you've been in our lives forever and yet again it feels like you joined us just yesterday. 

In these past few weeks:
-You smiled! And I think it was an almost on purpose smile? It definitely wasn't just a gassy smirk. I was making faces at you, and you made one back! It was the biggest, gummiest, happiest newborn baby smile EVER! You completely melted my heart. You've also started practicing your smile more. Soon you'll be giggling!

-You also growled at me! Yeah- you read that right- GROWLED. I was nursing you, you popped off, glared at my breast, growled, and then buried your face right back into me. It was the funniest thing! 

-You finally pooped on me! I was putting butt paste on your butt (duh- where else would I put it?) and pffffft! Out the poop came! It was like projectile poop. Guess that's what happens when I've got your legs in the air!
-You still aren't a big fan of baths, but you don't scream bloody murder anymore
-Tummy time is beginning to entertain you more 
-You're still wearing newborn sized clothing and diapers, but you're starting to get too long for your sleepers
-You LOVE to sleep with me and daddy, and you HATE sleeping in your own bed at night 
-Your head control is becoming much better
-I think we FINALLY have this whole nursing thing down! It doesn't hurt anymore!

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