"Ohana means family. Family means no body gets left behind, or forgotten."
"This is my family... It is little, and broken, but still good."

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dear Baby Bear- month two of LIFE

Dear Baby Bear,
You are now two months old! It's amazing what a difference one month can make.

You weigh 11 pounds and four ounces as of this morning, and you're 23.5 inches long. You wear size one diapers, and all of your newborn onesies are too small. Newborn pants still fit you around the waist, but are way too short.
You're getting so big!
You only wake up once or twice a night to eat- you usually go to bed around 9:00, wake to eat at 2:00/3:00, and then again around 5:00/6:00, and then you sleep until 8:00. I have no complaints about that! You've recently begun sleeping in your own bed. Occasionally you'll have a really fussy evening so I'll let you sleep the first stretch with me and you dad, and then I'll put you back in your pack'n'play after you've eaten.
You've been consistently smiling for a while now- it's amazing! I LOVE seeing your little face light up. We're still working on your head control, but you HATE tummy time so that's a little difficult.
Eva loves to join you for tummy time!
You love staring at the ceiling fan, and you have yet to show an interest in toys. You do, however, LOVE music, particularly music from the movie Frozen. I'll set you in the bouncer while I'm making dinner with the Disney station on Pandora playing in the background. As soon as "Love is an Open Door" or "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" comes on, you start kicking your legs and cooing- it's the cutest thing ever! (Hahaha- we're listening to pandora right now and you had just fallen asleep while nursing- "Let it go" came on and you woke up)
Yeah, this is you, staring at the fan
You received your shots this morning- you did great! You screamed for less than a minute, and you've been taking your Tylenol willingly- even excitedly! You really seem to like grape (I really like grape, too!). You've slept for most of the day, and have cried the rest of it. But that's okay, I still love you. It's important to me that you receive you immunizations. A little discomfort on both our ends is a sacrifice I'm willing to take (I can't say the same for you, but I think a small jab in the leg is much more comfortable than meningitis).
Before shots
after shots
It saddens me that your growing up because I want you to stay a tiny baby forever, but I am so excited for what lies ahead! You'll be walking and talking before I even know it. I am sooooo not ready for that just yet. For now, I'll keep trying to soak in as much of this infant stage as possible.
Mandatory naked baby picture 

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